About Dr. Fareed Khan Suri

Dr. Fareed Khan Suri is a distinguished stroke and interventional neurologist with a strong background in acute ischemic stroke management and research. He currently serves as the Stroke Director at a prominent stroke program in Minnesota, where he actively participates in clinical trials. Dr. Suri's notable contributions and achievements include:

  • Co-authoring a groundbreaking study in 2005 that highlighted the increased cardiovascular disease risk among individuals with prehypertension. This research was recognized as one of the top 10 research advances of 2005 by the American Heart Association.
  • Reporting the safety of clopidogrel bolus administration in patients with acute ischemic stroke in 2006, providing crucial data on the topic.
  • Participating in multiple publications related to the effect of COVID-19 on thrombectomy in 2020 and 2021.
  • Engaging in research projects and publications focused on mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke, showcasing his expertise in the field.
  • Securing research support for "The Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease and Cognitive Impairment Study," a project aimed at determining the prevalence of intracranial atherosclerotic disease in the US elderly population and its impact on cognitive impairment and cerebral infarction.

Dr. Fareed Khan Suri's research and clinical experience, coupled with his expertise in stroke and interventional neurology, make him a valuable asset and a suitable candidate for various research projects in the field.